This is the first Sunday since the launch of the How Would Jesus Vote Campaign. If you have a minute please print out some flyers and take them to your local house of worship and pass them out, put them on windshields of cars, or simply just put them in the church lobby next to all of the other flyers. If we can move just a small percentage of those who may be misinformed, we may be able to find the freedom and morality we seek come November. Below are the flyers and art for the project. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday morning.
TO download and print the flyer to hand out at churches, religious functions, to neighbors of faith, or to put on car windows at 10:30 am on a Sunday morning visit here:7ReasonsJesusWouldVoteYeson19
For a file that can be used to make stickers in your area go here: HWJV.sticker