Ruining everybody's lives and eating all our steak


The weed movement is alive with the sound of bullshit.

It seems like every day a new huckster shows up with tall tales about throwing a football over the mountain. The environment is ripe for hyperbole and the Uncle Ricos are out in full force. You got people taking victory laps for races they never even ran, and using their self-proclaimed lies to fleece anyone who will buy into their schemes.

Then there are the enablers. These folks stand around the sidelines begging people to not rock the boat and to just let the untruthful rhetoric go unchallenged in the name of the greater good. These co-dependent bullshitters do not mind being mislead and lied to, as long as there is some perceived gain for themselves, or the community. So what if a person in disingenuous? As long as we are making progress, why should we challenge the moral fabric of those aligned with our cause?

Simple….one word…….INTEGRITY.

Those willing to trade our integrity for the promise of prosperity will likely never realize either one. When we fail to rise up and demand integrity from those representing our cause, we demean the hard work and energy of everyone. Because too many people that our movement looks to for leadership cannot seem to grow a sack of nuts and challenge some of these wingnuts, what we have is unchecked chaos resulting in garbled messaging and missed outreach.

Pretending something does not exist will not make it go away.

At times I wonder if there are even any folks left in the ranks who remember what we are fighting for.

What I see is the different tribes of cannabis circling their wagons looking for the next big thing that can propel them to the front of the pack. Nobody wants to make any waves in fear of not being asked to the dance, or losing their position in the race for fame and fortune.

Are there any people left who just want pure unadulterated cannabis freedom? Is everyone so worried about where they will come out on the other side of prohibition that they could give a shit how we get there? Are folks willing to let any dipshit with an orange van and a few footballs  waltz right in an make a bunch of bogus claims without having the courage to stand up and call “BULLSHIT?”

I cannot do it. I cannot sit back and watch these wannabe business moguls run roughshod over the industry without at least trying to stop them. You can cry and whine about how we should never say anything bad about another supposed cannabis activist because it fuels our opposition. That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard.

You know what fuels our opposition? Being lead by cowards who did not have the nerve to have the difficult conversation within their own ranks, resulting in opportunity cost and lost goodwill.

We are only as good as the worst among us. If we cannot begin to weed out the charlatans and  con-men on our own, we should not be surprised when their deviant and selfish actions become synonymous with our entire message.

We already see the pump and dump kings working to co-opt the goodwill of national reform groups and charity organizations. We see self-admitted cannabis nobodies getting big airtime because they have a pocket full of money. There is little regard for cannabis and/or freedom in the modern era of  promotion. Cannabis politics also makes for very strange bedfellows.

But I challenge you to look around and take stock of what is going on. Understand that there is a lot more happening at this very moment than weed activism. Moves are being made. Souls are being purchased. False promises are being made. People are getting fleeced. You want the moon? You got it….

The Big Magnet in the Sky is in the details.

When the ugly face of reality is all that is left, let’s just remember we had this conversation. Most of what you see now is a mirage. There is a lot of scripted conversation and double talk happening that is being sold as progress. Most of the folks out there whoring themselves out will not be here when it is all said and done.

They will be chewed up and spit out by bigger fish with even less integrity. What we see now is child’s play compared to real business and industry. Most of these players do not have the stomach for it and will be gone at the first decent sell-out payday. Mark my words.

But some of you fuckers need to quit ruining everybody’s lives and eating all of the steak before it gets ugly. That is fair warning. Steak for thought.

Integrity matters.
